The Maharashtra Government is seeking clarity on the Jaitapur project, following recent contradictory statements made on the nuclear project, by the Union Minister for Environment and Forest, Mr Jairam Ramesh.

On Saturday, Mr Ramesh had suggested that the project should be put on hold, until a transparent nuclear policy is formulated in the light of Fukushima accident.

In the past, he had supported the 10,000-MW project in view of the burgeoning demand for power in the country. The project has been given a conditional environmental clearance by his Ministry.

Senior Maharashtra Government officials said that the Maharashtra Chief Minister, Mr Prithviraj Chavan, would be meeting the Prime Minster, Dr Manhohan Singh, on Tuesday in New Delhi, where Mr Chavan will seek a clear stand on the issue.

Mr Chavan had, on Monday, convened a meeting with the Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minster, Mr Ajit Pawar; the State Industries Minister, Mr Narayan Rane, besides other senior officials.

Senior officials told Business Line that the flip-flop in the stand of Mr Ramesh was criticised by Mr Pawar. He said that if the nuclear project does not go ahead in Maharashtra, then it will impact other companies keen on developing coal-based power projects in the State.

Mr Rane said that the Centre must clarify whether it is going ahead with the project or not. There should be no ambiguity in the Centre's stand.

At the meeting it was also suggested that a permanent information centre should be established in the vicinity of the plant site, which will clear all the misgivings of the villagers about the project and nuclear energy, officials said.

Senior officials of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL), the developer of the project, said that an information centre with a team of nuclear experts will be stationed near the site to clear the doubts about nuclear power in the minds of the people, especially in light of the Japan incident.

NPCIL will also expedite the relief and rehabilitation process at the five project affected villages. Each village has been promised Rs 2 crore by NPCIL for creation of civic amenities and drinking water facilities, officials said.