Prime Minister Narendra Modi has assured farmers that their interest will be fully protected in implementation of revised land acquisition legislation. 

He also assured farmers that the Government is with them at a time when farmers are having tough time due to unseasonal rain and hailstorm which damaged rabi crops.

"Government aims to remove anomalies in land bill to benefit farmers, their families, villages," he said in his monthly radio broadcast 'Mann ki Baat' on Sunday. Topic for this month was farmers and current agrarian situation.

Prime Minister tried to convince farmers at a time, when oppositions have united and many farmers' organisations are camping in Delhi to protest against amendments proposed in land law enacted by the previous Government last year. In fact, Modi Government promulgated an ordinance to bring about changes. A legislation for amendment did get approval in the Lok Sabha but could not get nod in Rajya Sabha due to strong opposition. Now the ordinance is set to lapse on April 4.

Modi told farmers that compensation amount for land acquired to remain same as in 2013 act. In fact 13 more categories brought under land acquisition so that farmers are not affected. "Consent clause in land bill not for PPP projects has been proposed as ownership remains with govt but farmers to get full compensation," he said while adding that earlier the process was long and complicated and now effort is to make it simple.

He also said that time bound completion of projects is mandatory failing which land will be used as per farmers will. This remark was made in response to criticism that there will not be 5 years clause for return of land if projects do take off within this period.

Prime Minister mentioned that industrial corridors by government are proposed to create employment opportunities for farmers’ families.