Samajwadi Party ruled Uttar Pradesh has joined states such as Gujarat and West Bengal in opposing the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC).

Meanwhile, Bihar has though asked for withdrawal of the order for the formation of NCTC, but opined that even if the Centre still deems it prudent to form an outfit like NCTC within the Intelligence Bureau (IB), then it must be set up through legislation by Parliament.

Attack on federal structure

Participating in a meeting called by the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, Mr Akhilesh Yadav, Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh, said: “The ways through which Centre is being empowered through NCTC, do not have the provision of mutual consensus and partnership. This may shatter state’s systems. This is a direct attack on federal structure.’’

Statesman-like approach

Taking this forward, the Gujarat Chief Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, said: “I would urge the Prime Minister to take a statesman-like approach in the matter and prevent actions vitiating the atmosphere and upsetting the Constitutional equilibrium. It is high time we re-establish a bond of confidence which will be our true shield against the force of terror. I strongly urge that the NCTC be rolled back.’’

Retreating the withdrawal of order dated February 3, 2012 for setting up NCTC, the West Bengal Chief Minister, Ms Mamata Banejree, said: “Exercise of police functions should remain the prerogative of the State as enshrined in the Constitution and the well conceived equilibrium between the Centre and the States should not be disturbed under any circumstances.’’

Plea to repeal order

The Chief Minister of Bihar, Mr Nitish Kumar, said: “I am of the considered opinion that the order issued regarding constitution of NCTC should be withdrawn immediately. However, if the Centre still deems it prudent to form an outfit like NCTC within the IB, then it must also be given powers to investigate the cases.’’

He also said that another feasible option would be empowerment of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to arrest as well as investigate all terror related cases.

NIA, being a premier investigating agency, there should not be any difficulty in entrusting it with full powers as well as responsibility in respect of terror related crimes.

Darbhanga Module’ or ‘Madhubani Module’

Taking strong objection of names like ‘Darbhanga Module’ or ‘Madhubani Module’, Mr Kumar said: “This is atrocious, to say the least. Even if it so happens that a few persons somehow connected with a particular district are found to be involved in anti-national activities, there is hardly any justification to name the group or module after the district concerned as if the whole district is directly or indirectly guilty of actively supporting and harbouring terrorists.’’

Recently, there have been instances of Central agencies and police of some other States making few terror-related arrests of original residents of some districts in Bihar. In the media, such events have been reported as busting of a terror module identified as ‘Darbhanga Module’ or ‘Madhubani Module’ etc.
