Anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare today charged “political and criminal forces” of trying to dilute the nationwide movement against graft by defaming and criticising the campaign for a comprehensive Lokpal Bill.

“Some political and criminal forces are afraid of recent awakening and huge support of the common man to the Jan Lokpal Bill. They are trying to create confusion and defame the movement to defuse the emerging people’s movement for curbing corruption,” Mr Hazare told PTI from Ralegan Siddhi village, 40 km away from here.

On criticism for reported remarks against political leaders, the social activist said that he never said that all politicians in India are corrupt.

“There are very few exceptions at all levels. But those exceptions can be honoured only if they too raise their voice against known corruption in their close circles. Keeping mum on issues related to corruption is also silent support to corruption and such leaders who fall in that category are actually of no use for nation,” he said.

The veteran also faced flak from the Congress and NCP for allegedly calling voters corrupt and dishonest.

In this regard, the 73-year-old Gandhian said: “Political parties and leaders are responsible for maligning the voter’s character in this country. They usually earn lot of black money using power and distribute a little amount of it to voters in elections to grab sympathy for their corrupt practices.”

“Is it possible today for candidates who are meritorious and possess good moral character and commitment to win an election without huge amount of black money,” he asked?