Sharing his birthday with tennis champion Roger Federer, Rajiv Mehrishi, the new Economic Affairs Secretary, has an eye for detail just as the seven-time Wimbledon Champion. Both were born on August 8.

The 1978 batch Rajasthan cadre Indian Administrative Service officer, Mehrishi, currently Chief Secretary of Rajasthan, is known as the architect of land and labour reforms policy in the State under the Vasundhra Raje regime. His work in these two areas and his initiatives on insurance during his previous posting as Principal Secretary in the State’s Finance department earned him not just lavish praise from the industry but also the confidence of Chief Minister Raje.

This could be one of the reasons for his appointment as Chief Secretary of Rajasthan when the BJP came back to power and Raje was appointed Chief Minister. In fact, the State was the first to initiate labour reforms after the Modi Government at the Centre introduced labour reform laws in Parliament. Labour reforms will be incomplete without co-operation from States as it is a State subject.

59-year-old Mehrishi did his graduation and post graduation from St. Stephen’s College before moving to Glasgow for an MBA. He has served with the Oil Ministry, Department of Corporate Affairs (when it was part of the Finance Ministry), the Agriculture Ministry, the Overseas Indian Affairs Ministry and the Chemical & Fertiliser Ministry in different capacities on Central deputation.

Unlike his predecessor, he is taking charge as Economic Affairs Secretary at a time when the economy seems to be on a high growth path after two years of sub-five per cent growth. Another encouraging factor is lower crude oil prices which will have a significant impact on fiscal deficit target which has been kept at 4.1 per cent of GDP. Similarly there is renewed interest among foreign investors in India with the change in the Government at the Centre.

His top most priority would be to create a much stronger investment environment to push the Prime Minister’s ambitious campaign ‘Make-in-India.’