Swedish energy technology companies are keen to collaborate and mutually share know-how with Indian companies apart from learning some of the best practices followed here.

Addressing the CII Green Business Congress here today, Marita Ljung, State Secretary, Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communication, Sweden, said that global warming continue to be a major challenge and there is immense pressure on natural resources.

The climate change poses a great challenge for all of us with the immediate target are to bring down by at least 2 per cent. We cannot go on this way. Innovation is key to address this and ensure sustainability. This will be possible only by research and development, she felt.

She said there is need to change norms and attitude of people towards conservation.

Later, speaking at the Swedish Energy Agency stall at the exposition, she said that there is heightened interest in cooperation between Indian and Swedish technology companies.

Ludvig Lindstorm, Senior Program Manager, Swedish Energy Agency, said that the potential for cooperation is huge following the National Innovation Council visit to Sweden last year. Apart from potential to work together by forming joint venture companies, there are opportunities for collaboration between companies in both the countries. This will also lead to investments as companies collaborate.

Referring to some of the companies which are keen to work with Indian companies, he said Absolicon Solar is into solar collectors, ClimaCheck is into tech for heating and cooling systems, Nlab Solar is focussing on due sensitised solar cells. Several others are also keen to learn from Indian companies, he said.
