The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted an India co-sponsored resolution on piracy in Somalia, taking on board, at India’s initiative, the issue of prosecution of convicted pirates not only for acts of piracy but also for hostage taking.

The Minister of State for External Affairs, Mr E. Ahamed, attended the Security Council meeting here yesterday for the adoption of resolution on prosecution of pirates, co-sponsored by India and 10 other UNSC members.

In a first, at India’s initiative, the resolution deals with the issue of prosecution for acts of piracy as well as hostage taking.

The resolution calls for international cooperation in sharing information for the purpose of law enforcement and effective prosecution.

It recognises the increasing scope of piracy beyond the coast of Somalia, which affects not only the states in the region but also those far beyond.

India, supported by other members, incorporated in the resolution provisions dealing with persons who “intentionally facilitate piracy operations, including key figures of criminal networks involved in piracy.”

The resolution calls for prosecution of those who illicitly plan, organise, facilitate, or finance and profit from such attacks.

In the resolution, the 15-member body urged countries that have not already done so to criminalise piracy under their domestic laws and to implement prosecution methods in accordance with international human rights law.

The resolution also emphasised the need to establish specialised anti-piracy courts in Somalia and other countries in the region.