The US has assured India that hundreds of Indian students affected by the closure of a California-based “sham” university would be given “fair and appropriate” treatment and their interests would be carefully considered.

The assurance by the Secretary of State, Ms Hillary Clinton, came in the form of a letter to the Indian Ambassador to the US, Ms Meera Shankar.

“In the letter, Clinton emphasised that the US is proud to host over 100,000 Indian students in the United States and hopes to increase the numbers in the years ahead,” Ms Shankar told reporters.

Following the telephonic conversation between Ms Clinton and the External Affairs Minister, Mr S.M. Krishna, early this month, Ms Shankar had conveyed to the Secretary of State the details of Indian students of the Tri Valley University in California, expressing India’s concerns on this issue.

In her letter dated February 22, Ms Clinton said that the Department of State is following the case closely and working with the Department of Homeland Security and the Government of India to ensure fair and appropriate treatment to the students, she said.

“Please be assured that their interests and the interest of all Indian students in the United States would be carefully considered,” Ms Clinton said, according to Ms Shankar who effectively took up the matter with the State Department and other agencies of the US government, including the Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE).

Nearly 1,500 Indian students were affected by the closure of the Tri Valley University on charges of massive visa fraud. As many as 18 Indian students were radio tagged, which Mr Krishna termed as inhuman.