Generation of electricity from wind power has picked up in Tamil Nadu.

On Wednesday, it reached a high of 41.32 million units, taking the total generation in the first sixteen days of this month to 558 million units.

This was markedly higher than the target of 374 million units for the sixteen day period, and very close to the target for the month of 725 million units.

The wind power sector has once again come in handy. Today, Tamil Nadu is reeling under a severe power shortage, which is estimated to be close to 3,500 MW.

Tamil Nadu has so far purchased 114.36 million units of power from the market this month so far. This is only marginally higher than the target of 111.48 million units for the first sixteen days of this month.

Thanks largely due to last week’s accident in the 840 MW Mettur Thermal Power Station, power plants worth 1,417 MW were shut down for repairs. This is apart from another 655 MW of ‘planned outage’.

Incidentally, 24.5 days’ worth of coal stocks have piled up at Mettur waiting for use, which will happen only when the plants is brought back to normal.