Sony Corporation will not shed jobs in India despite its global plan to exit the personal computers space, a spokesperson for the company’s domestic unit said.

All marketing and sales staffers working for Sony’s Vaio brand in India would be absorbed into other lines of business in the country, namely those focusing on smartphones, cameras, televisions and headphones, the spokesperson said.

“We are going to launch a new range of Vaio laptops later this month. Once that is done, we will discontinue its sales,” the spokesperson said.

In a press statement, Sony India said it will continue to retain repair parts and after-care services as per Indian law. However, the spokesperson did not disclose the number of marketing and sales staffers currently deployed on its Vaio portfolio.

Sony, which may book annual loss of over $1 billion, had said that it would globally cut 5,000 jobs. This is part of a larger restructuring programme.

Citing “drastic changes” in the global PC market, Sony has decided to concentrate its mobile product line-up on smartphones and tablets and to transfer its PC business to a new company established by Japan Industrial Partners, an investment fund. Subsequently, the TV business will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Corporation, However, there will not be any change in the Indian context, the spokesperson said.