The Hyderabad Software Enterprises Association is organising an IoT (internet of things) hackathon, challenging the app developers to build apps that come under the IoT bracket. The winners will get Rs one lakh in cash and an incubation opportunity from the Government of Telangana.

The Smart Cities IoT Devthon for Metropolis will be held on October 4 and 5 to help the app developers build things that help the cities become smart ones. The best 5 solutions will be presented before the delegates during XI Metropolis World Congress scheduled to be held between October 6 and 10 here.

Telangana Academy of Skills and Knowledge (TASK) is partnering with HYSEA to organise the event.

“They will be given kits using which the hackers will build the apps,” HYSEA President Ramesh Loganathan told Business Line.

The association listed out a few problem areas such as traffic management, emergency services and geo-based road repairs.

“We are aiming to use technology to create solutions for smother functioning of civic services,” Ramesh, who is also the Managing Director of Progress Software India, said.