Globals ITeS has signed a pilot project to implement cloud computing in 30 schools in Zimbabwe.

As a part of this project, Globals ITeS, a subsidiary of Globals Inc, will implement an outbound Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) solution along with an education management information system that will be delivered through the cloud.

Initially, through this system, all teachers and other school members will get an automated call on their mobile phones through which they will be required to enter the requisite data pertaining to number of students attending schools or status of initiatives adopted by the school.

Growing issues with regard to transparency such as staff absenteeism prompted the school to adopt a solution like this. “Mobile phone penetration in Zimbabwe is high. Couple this with inconsistent power supply and Internet connectivity issues in Zimbabwe, this kind of a solution will help in addressing the challenges that the government faces in their education sector,” Mr Suhas Gopinath, CEO & President of Globals Inc.

This pilot will be implemented for six months after which based on the impact study; it will be rolled out in another 400 schools. According to Mr Gopinath, this kind of solution can be extended to government schemes in India, which, through the cloud can monitor subsidies granted to farmers or mid-day meal schemes.
