An Australian farmer took delivery of the first Google package sent by drone during secret testing in the state of Queensland last month, a Brisbane newspaper reported on Friday.

The Google X division of US-based tech company on Thursday unveiled its two-year-old Project Wing to develop the system using the unmanned aircraft to deliver packages within minutes. The Brisbane Times said a prototype drone dropped a package of chocolate for Neil Parfitt on his farm near the south-eastern Queensland town of Warwick.

“When it all happened, they came down and did a delivery and said ’Neil, do you realize you’re the first person in the whole world that we’ve delivered something to?’ and I’ve just gone ‘Wow!’” Parfitt was quoted in the report as saying.

Google X director Astro Teller told the Brisbane Times the company was “looking at the whole spectrum of value that can be delivered using self-flying vehicles.” “Also, there are situations like emergency response after a flood, or an earthquake, or a tornado, where bringing medicine or other supplies to people who are in need can be very valuable and time can be of the essence,” he said.

The drone used in Queensland was capable of vertical take-offs and landings and flight speeds of up to about 90 kilometres per hour, the newspaper said.

Google rival Amazon has also envisioned the use of drones to deliver goods to consumers.