Nokia Networks India on Wednesday said it is expecting better growth this year as certainty around the telecom industry is coming back as compared to six-seven months ago.

The company won 12 deals in the first half of this year compared with nine in the same period last year and going forward, expects to do better this year. The company won 16 deals in total last year.

“Investments by telecom companies are expected to go up, especially around data and newer technologies. We are largely involved with all the companies and in talks with them in modernising 2G, 3G, LTE and other network solutions,” Sandeep Girotra, Vice-President and Head, Nokia Networks India, told reporters here.

However, he also said the Government’s decision to levy 10 per cent customs duty on certain telecom equipment will be a big blow to the capacity expansion plans of the telecom companies.

“We are one of the largest telecom equipment manufacturers in India and it remains to be an area of concern. The recent announcement (in the Budget) of 10 per cent customs duty on specified telecom equipment, which would be a massive blow to the industry,” he said.

Girotra said India is one of the top markets for Nokia (top 10 high-growth regions) and would continue to compete closely with other companies such as Ericsson.

To hire more The company will also hire people as and required for its new engagements. It employs around 16,000 people right now and out of that 10,600 are permanent and the rest on contract, he added.