Adobe has been  investing in building AI capabilities for last five to eight years. Recently, it launched an AI assistant in beta, a new generative AI-powered conversational engine that instantly generates summaries and insights from long documents, answers questions and formats information for sharing in emails, reports and presentations. businessline spoke to Abhigyan Modi, Senior Vice President, Document Cloud, Adobe on the various aspects around AI.


Everyone is excited about AI but many businesses are not prepared to go beyond the pilots when it comes to actual adoption. Do you see this trend globally?

 So, if you look at the technology landscape, on one hand, there’s a question of how cool is the technology, how cool are the demos, and then there’s a thing of how productive it is. If our end users can see value in the technology and it gives them real time savings or value generation, I don’t see any barriers to adoption.

That’s why when we bring these technologies to market, even if you look at things that we have done in the Photoshop space, building them in a manner where it actually makes the end user much more productive, that is what would lead to a space where people move from pilots to actually paying for software and using them.


Do you think there should be some form of regulation for AI or do you feel that companies should be allowed to function with their own guardrails in place so that we strike a balance between innovation and protecting the users?

Adobe’s approach is twofold. One approach is let’s do the right thing. We have a reputation for that, and we’ll continue to go doing that. The other aspect in which we work very closely with the community is how do we help end users develop trust. We started this coalition about content authenticity, where we watermark content or label content so that people can know what is legitimate.


How is India shaping up for Adobe?

India is a terrific market. The growth that we’re seeing in this country is phenomenal and it’s all based on everything that you’re seeing around which is the need for companies to go digital, in a manner that is effective, that is measurable, and to build great experiences for customers. The scale at which this operates in India is just phenomenal. I am really excited about both the opportunity as well as the growth we are seeing in the market.


How significant is the new AI assistant for Pdf documents?

Adobe invented the PDF format more than 30 years back in 1993 with our founders having a very simple mission to make sure that people can communicate what they want to communicate in a reliable manner. Over the years, we added a lot of capabilities so that people can collaborate more effectively, whether it’s digital signatures, whether it is fonts, whether it’s ability to edit a document, whether it’s all about how you redact documents so that you don’t make sure you make sure it’s sensitive information does not go out in the process.

We’ve been investing in the space of AI for last five to eight years and the key reason we’ve been investing in this area when it comes to document is to develop a deep understanding of the content of a document. Our studies show that the amount of time that people spend in just looking for information is huge and it takes away time from the productive work. So that’s the key problem that we’re trying to solve.


Did the India R&D centres contribute to the development of the new AI assistant for Acrobat and Reader?

So, if you look at our team, half the team is in the US and half the team is in India. So a lot of this is developed in India but at the same time a lot of this is developed in US as well. 


Adobe has so far launched text based AI assistants. Others like OpenAI has already launched text to video AI engines. When do we see Adobe launching a video AI?

If you just look back over the last weeks or months, the amount of technology innovation that has happened in the industry and in Adobe, we couldn’t have been in a more exciting time ever. We think of data, we think of model and we think of interfaces. We think all these three things are super important to create valuable technology which customers can use. So, if you look at our approach with imaging, it’s about data, it’s having the right data set so that you can create content people can use in commercial applications. It’s about building industry grade, first class models which are superior to anything else out there. And then lastly, but more importantly, the integrations that we have with our product, so that leads to products capabilities. When you bring all these three things together, that’s where the power of customer unlocks.

So, we’re developing our own pretty awesome video models. We haven’t announced them yet, but we would be announcing them, but the same time, what is more important to us is how do we build this entire workflow where customers are able to put these things together in a way so that they can actually create and do that last mile of work where they are able to actually take this and say, ok, this now works in the way I want it to work.