Bartronics India Limited, a bar code and digital identity technology provider, has posted a net profit of Rs 31 crore for the quarter ended June 30, 2011, registering a growth of 37 per cent over comparable quarter last year

Consolidated revenues stood at Rs 262 crore, which grew by 61 per cent year on year. EBIDTA (earnings before interest, depreciation, taxes and amortisation) was put at 23 per cent for the quarter.

Basic EPS (earnings per share) for the quarter grew by 37 per cent to Rs 9.07 over comparable EPS last year.

Mr Sudhir Rao, Managing Director of Bartronics, attributed the growth to strong performance across Asia and the USA. "We added 10 new projects (new tenders won) during the quarter in the financial inclusion business segment," he said, commenting on the numbers.