The growing usage of mobile, social networking, cloud and Big Data intensify the pressure on customers to store an enormous amount of data, analyse it fast, and keep it secure while keeping the costs in check.

Towards this end, EMC Corporation has entered into an agreement to acquire DSSD, developer of a new technology in data storage. This data storage technology compliments EMC’s popular flash storage portfolio.

Andy Bechtolsheim, promoter of DSSD, said, “The prospects of what EMC and DSSD can achieve together are truly remarkable. Working together with EMC will help DSSD deliver a new type of storage system with game-changing latency (speed of transmitting data)… while offering operational efficiency of shared data.”

EMC Corporation, one of the leading companies in cloud computing, helps IT departments to store, manage, protect and manage information in a more agile and cost-efficient manner.

EMC had invested in DSSD a year ago as a series A investor and had remained an active development partner. “Complementary to our market-leading all-flash hybrid storage portfolio, DSSD will unlock an abundance of new possibilities for customers as they build their infrastructures to support the emerging tier of next generation in-memory and Big Data work loads,” said David Goulden, CEO of EMC Information infrastructure.