Research firm Forrester has upped its 2011 forecast for the growth in the US information technology market to eight per cent from 7.4 per cent.

Forrester has cited ‘a strong momentum in business purchases of technology goods and services in the US' as the reason for the change in projections.

According to the new growth rate, the spending on IT is expected to touch $609 billion this year.

“One reason is that, even with those worries, US economic growth still looks solid albeit weaker than what would be needed to drive a substantial reduction in unemployment. But more important is the strong momentum in business purchases of technology goods and services. 2010 growth in the US tech market turned out to be 8.9 per cent, even better than the 8.4 per cent growth we projected in April 2010,” Forrester's Vice-President & Principal Analyst, Mr Andrew Bartels, said.

Weakest growth in IT spend will be seen in sectors such as government, media, entertainment, the report said.