HCL Technologies has launched a graphic novel at the Comic Con event in Bengaluru, a first amongst top tier IT companies.

Called the ‘Chronicles of Ideapreneurs,’ this graphic novel features case studies and ideas from select HCL employees.

"We have taken the top ten stories that have added significant value to our clients," said Prithvi Shergill, Chief Human Resource Officer, HCL Technologies. The novel is a way by which the company has celebrated employee’s contributions and is aimed at giving every employee the license to ideate proactively and implement those ideas.

These ties into the "ideapreneurs" initiative undertaken by HCL, which looks at proactively add value to outsourcing deals and according to Shergill, some $600 million worth of value addition has been done by HCL employees.

"These initiatives are not a part of any existing contract but something that our employees do in addition to their deliverables," said Shergill. Each true story is depicted and written as an individual graphic novel episode making for easy reading.

This is the first volume of the book and subsequent versions are expected to follow later this year.