Capturing images have been a favourite pass-time since time immemorial. From painting the world around them to the Camera Obscura; everything was about re-creating a moment.

Today, photography has taken new dimensions . From large scale film-cameras, to devices that fit in your pockets; photographic technology has come a long way.

Even mobile phones have often doubled-up as cameras to capture certain moments. The dawn of Instagram and other social media portals were instrumental in popularising the practice.

Hence, the question that many face is – do I need a camera or a fancy camera-phone ?

Here are a few tips that could help you make the right choice:

1. Think about the genre of photography that you would like to pursue

There are some types of photography that demand the use of a DSLR instead of a phone camera. Eg: Fashion photography, scientific photography, etc. These require one to dwell deeper into the subject as well as the style of photography.

2. Introspect and gauge your level of ‘tech-savvyness’.

DSLRs are a lot of work. With its numerous settings, you are bound to get lost in the world of ‘technicalities’ and forget the purpose behind the picture. Camera-phones, on the other hand, are a cake-walk. Then again, if you wish to study the intricacies of photography, a professional or semi-professional camera would help.

3. Assess your finances

Believe it or not, the cost of a high-end camera-phone, and an entry level DSLR with a dual-lens kit costs the same. Moreover, the maintenance and service costs of a DSLR are higher than that of a camera-phone.

4. Ease of carrying

Look at theses aspects as essential factors that would determine your choice of device. Eg: If you are a travel bug and prefer trekking up a hill often, you might prefer owning a high-end camera-phone instead of a DSLR. This is because the latter is heavier and consumes more space than the former.

5. Analyse your obsessions

Phones and cameras are rather precious items. Your love towards them determines how well you handle them. If you are a clumsy and careless person, I would recommend that you stay away from a chunky DSLR. Yes, a camera-phone is flimsy too. But, it does not have a detachable lens that would cost you an arm and a leg.

6. Ponder upon the question – do you really need them ?

Most often we buy things to feel a part of our peer group or to be termed ‘cool’. With Whatsapp, Facebook, Google Photos, Email and the likes, sharing images is no herculean task. The numerous in-built photo-filters and photo-editing software, could make any image look fabulous.

Let’s face it. Gadgets become obsolete in less than six month. It is thus important that we think twice before we burn a hole in one's pockets!