In a move that could bring somecheer to Indian techies, a US Federal Court has blocked US President Donald Trump’s H-1B visa ban.

District Judge Jeffrey White of Northern California blocked the implementation of H-1B visa ban by Trump, stating that the President “overstepped his constitutional authority” with the order issued in June.


In June, Trump had signed an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration “in light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our great American Citizens.”

A lawsuit challenging the ban was filed by companies represented by the National Association of Manufacturers, US Chamber of Commerce National Retail Foundation and TechNet against the US Department of Commerce and Department of Homeland Security. “Denying US businesses access to international labour markets is inflicting swift and severe harm. Companies are unable to move employees who have developed special expertise outside the US into domestic roles,” they had said in the filing.

‘Pragmatic judgment’

The court’s decision comes as positive for Indian techies and companies who have had to resort to local hiring and some have even asked many of their onsite employees to return to India.

“This pragmatic judgment gives global companies their fair share of opportunity and will increase the options available to the Indian tech sector,” said Ganesh Natarajan, Executive Chairman and Founder of 5F World.

“I'm pleased to see the court take strong action to protect the rights of businesses seeking the support of global talent,” said Sophie Alcorn, an immigration lawyer.