Most organisations are limiting the use of Generative AI (GenAI) over data privacy and security issues. 27 per cent had banned its use, at least temporarily, according to the Cisco 2024 Data Privacy Benchmark Study.

Among the top concerns, businesses cited the threats to an organisation’s legal and Intellectual Property rights (69 per cent), and the risk of disclosure of information to the public or competitors (68 per cent).

Most organisations are aware of these risks and are putting in place controls to limit exposure. 63 per cent have established limitations on what data can be entered, 61 per cent have limits on which GenAI tools can be used by employees, and 27 per cent said their organisation had banned GenAI applications altogether for the time being.

Nonetheless, many individuals have entered information that could be problematic, including employee information (45 per cent) or non-public information about the company (48 per cent).

“Organisations see GenAI as a fundamentally different technology with novel challenges to consider. More than 90 per cent of respondents believe GenAI requires new techniques to manage data and risk. This is where thoughtful governance comes into play. Preserving customer trust depends on it,” said Dev Stahlkopf, Cisco Chief Legal Officer.

Consumers are concerned about AI use involving their data today, and yet 91 per cent of organisations recognise they need to do more to reassure their customers that their data is being used only for intended and legitimate purposes in AI. This is similar to last year’s levels, suggesting that not much progress has been achieved.

Organisations’ priorities to build consumer trust differ from those of individuals. Consumers identified their top priorities as getting clear information on exactly how their data is being used, and not having their data sold for marketing purposes.