Reliance Jio, chaired by Mukesh Ambani, announced the launch of JioGamesWatch — a live game streaming platform to enhance the gaming experience across Jio devices. JioGamesWatch aims to enable content creators in India to go live under any network bandwidth and gain audience engagement. The latest launch has rolled out for Android, iOS and STB. Jio plans to compete with its counterparts like Youtube and Twitch.

JioGamesWatch offers content ranging from live gaming to video-on-demand (VOD) streams. The platform brings with it the perks like creator-viewer engagement on several esports events, and can also stream on full HD or HD, and without having to be stuck at a buffer.

Resources like frequently asked questions (FAQ) and guides about Live streaming are available on the platform for ready reference. The platform will allow its users to subscribe and never miss out on any updates. Reliance Jio introduced JioGamesWatch is now live on the JioGames app in Google Play Store and Apple App Store.