The Andhra Pradesh Government on Thursday gave the nod for the attachment of 44 properties belonging to the family members of the promoters of Satyam Computers in the case against founder Chairman, Mr B. Ramalinga Raju, The Chief Minister, Mr N. Kiran Kumar Reddy approved the move. The properties are in Ranga Reddy district, East and West Godavari districts. They are worth Rs 2.48 crore. According to an official release, the Government has approved this on the request of the Central Bureau of Investigation . The CBI has been probing the Satyam fraud case since 2010 and has filed the charge-sheet. The promoters family, including Mr Ramalinga Raju and his brother Mr B. Rama Raju, former Managing Director, have served a over two years of jail and are now out on bail. The State Government had in an earlier instance also okayed the attachment of some properties worth Rs 3.87 crore belonging to the family members. According to the release these 44 properties are registered in the name of seven front companies of Satyam Computer's promoter family members. During the investigation the CBI had found that there were dozens of companies promoted by the family members of Mr Ramalinga Raju.