Social networking giant Facebook has added 13 million users in six months to take its user-base to 125 million in India, its second-biggest market globally.

The US-based firm, which had 112 million users in India as of December last year, also launched a 2G-friendly mobile app ‘Facebook Lite’ to cater to a wider audience.

Globally, it has 1.44 billion monthly active users as of March 31, 2015 with the US as its biggest market.

“In India, Facebook has 125 million average users (MAU), while the number of mobile MAUs stands at 114 million. On a daily basis, 59 million users in India are accessing Facebook and 53 million are accessing us from their mobile phones,” Facebook Head of Products (Facebook Lite) Vijay Shankar told PTI.

Talking about the Facebook Lite app, announced earlier this month, he said the product has been “built ground up for markets like India” where internet speeds are slower.