Cyberattackers are increasingly targeting vaccine makers and healthcare institutions in India, according to a report by CyberPeace Foundation.

As per research by CyberPeace Foundation, over 7 million attacks have been recorded between October 1 and November 25 on the Healthcare sector-based Threat Intelligence Sensors network specifically simulated in India.

Overall, the Research Wing at CyberPeace Foundation has noticed a spike in cyberattacks during the Covid-19 pandemic. In October, a total of 54,34,825 attacks were recorded while 16,43,169 attacks in November so far on its simulated Healthcare sector-based Threat Intelligence Sensors network.

Unmonitored systems are more vulnerable and exposed to cyberthreats. These are the most attacked systems on the internet. Vulnerable internet-facing systems that have enabled Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) along with the old Windows server Platform are also among the primary targets for attackers, as per the report.

“Recently many Cyberattack attempts which include brute force and masquerading spear-phishing have been identified as state-backed Russian and North Korean hackers trying to steal valuable data from leading pharmaceutical companies and vaccine researchers,” said CyberPeace Foundation.

Most of the targets located in Canada, France, India, South Korea and the United States. These targets were directly involved in researching vaccines and treatments for Covid-19.