Tata Communications has upgraded the New York-London leg of its TGN-Atlantic sub-sea cable system to 100 gigabits per second. The leg is expected to be in full service during the first half of 2013.

“The move to 100G coherent technology on our TGN-Atlantic cable system demonstrates our leadership in global network infrastructure. Based on Ciena’s GeoMesh, this major deployment will bring maximum bandwidth, lower latencies, higher uptimes and seamless scalability for carriers and enterprises, today and in the future,” said Genius Wong, Senior Vice President of Global Network Services at Tata Communications.

The New York-London leg's earlier capacity was 40 gigabits.

The upgrade will help carriers and enterprises to scale up their network and meet their increasing capacity demands. It will be instrumental in increasing carrier network performance through consolidation of transport traffic.

The implementation will pave the way for further upgrades leading to multi-fold increase in bandwidth availability across Tata Communications’ Global Network, which consists of 210,000 km of terrestrial and sub-sea network fibre.
