Its not just US information technology companies such as Google working on driverless cars and drones, home-grown tech company Tech Mahindra is also working on similar projects as part of its machine-to-machine offering.

For example, the company is working with some major international car companies on using big data analytics to understand driver behaviour.

Karthikeyan Natarajan, Global Head – Integrated Engineering Services, Tech Mahindra, told Business Line that auto companies are looking at a digital cockpit that will remove the rear view mirrors by replacing them with cameras that will stitch the images.

Fuel efficiency

“It will also lead to increased fuel efficiency,” he said declining to disclose the names of the companies.

The plan also includes features such as self-parking and driverless cars, which may come in next three years, Natarajan said, adding that such business will be the fastest growing (30-40 per cent) in next 5-7 years.

R&D centres

Tech Mahindra has 12 research and development centres globally including four in India (Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Pune) that are working on such innovations.

Natarajan said the company is also working on drones for commercial and civil applications.

For example, drones can be used to look at a 100-acre of land to see if the crop is right for harvesting. Instead of somebody physically going out to the field, a picture can help. “What has happened in the last 100 years is that people have spent building products whether it is cars, aircraft or industrial equipment. But, next 50 years will be how do you make it personalised and experience it differently,” Natarajan said.

Tech Mahindra, which has a target of achieving $5 billion revenues by 2015, is betting on using new technologies in automotives, healthcare and aerospace.