To engage with the customer and educate them about mobile services, telecom operator Uninor on Thursday launched ‘Grahak Shiksha Kendras’ (customer education hubs) across all its operational circles.

The company has opened 200 Grahak Shiksha Kendras (GSKs) that will act as a knowledge and awareness centres where existing and potential customers can walk in to get information related to Uninor voice and Internet services as well as resolve queries around the use of mobile phones, the company said.

“At Telenor Group, we have a vision to empower societies through the use of mobile services. With our ambition to offer Internet for all, we believe in building and developing society through affordable mobile connectivity with reasonable and relevant services,” Katja Nordgaard, Executive Vice President and head of Corporate Affairs, Telenor Group, said.

The GSKs is a step to build awareness and knowledge on how to take the full benefit of communication services in their daily lives, she said.

The company will convert 200+ retail stores across its six operational circles into GSKs in the first half of this financial year and another 300 GSKs will come up by year end.

It has hired dedicated customer relationship executives to deploy them in each GSK store, 50 per cent of these GSKs will have female customer relationship executives (CREs), the company said.

Uninor developed an in-house curriculum to train its customer relationship executives for the awareness initiative at the GSK stores. The CREs will undergo a four-day training and will be fully equipped to educate customers and handle their queries, it said.

“Through the GSKs, we will be able to open our stores not just for sales and support but also educate the customer on using their mobile phones for relevant services, be safe and avoid transactions that are not intended,” Vivek Sood, Chief Executive Officer, Telewings Communications Services (Uninor), said.

Apart from the GSKs and easy to use self help, Uninor is also conducting workshops to make its users understand benefits of Internet and how to adopt safe Internet practices.

The company has around 23 per cent of its customer accessing Internet on its network. As part of its ‘Internet for all’ ambition, Uninor targets to convert 50 per cent of its customer base into Internet users by 2017, the company added.