Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) has received orders worth ₹2,759.15 crore. This includes an order worth ₹1,701 crore from Goa Shipyard Ltd, and a ₹972-crore order from Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd (GRSE) for the supply of 14 types of sensors for use on Next Generation Offshore Patrol Vessels (NGOPV).
In addition, it has received a ₹86.15-crore order for miscellaneous spares and services, since the last disclosure on December 15.
In the current financial year, the company has so far received orders worth ₹25,935.15 crore.
The BEL stock rose by 2.26 per cent to trade at ₹174.50 as of 1:07 pm on the NSE on Friday. The GRSE stock inched up 0.24 per cent at ₹819 as of 1:15 pm.
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