Despite the seasonal fluctuations, India’s cotton yarn exports are on target and are estimated to touch 1,350 million kg valued at $4.70 billion for the financial year 2014.

The country has already exported 1,082 million kg of cotton yarn (valued at $3.75 billion) during the first 10 months (April-January) of the current fiscal, according to a study by The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (Texprocil).

“The high quality of Indian yarn is ensuring firm orders from the international markets,” Texprocil said, adding that this is despite the seasonal fluctuations witnessed every April and in spite of high raw cotton prices.

“Given the better quality produced by Indian mills, there will always be good export of Indian yarn taking place, even if the difference between Chinese cotton prices and international cotton prices narrows down substantially. Indian mills need not fear a drop in yarn exports happening beyond the seasonal fluctuations,” Texprocil Chairman Manikam Ramaswami said.

“However profitability of exports will depend upon our price parity with international cotton prices,” he added.

However, exports of cotton yarn dropped in April. This is for the fourth consecutive year that the exports have fallen.