Tracking a firming Asian trend, gold futures prices jumped by Rs 158 to Rs 26,508 per 10 grams today, as speculators created fresh positions.

At the Multi Commodity Exchange, gold for delivery in December rose Rs 158 or 0.6 per cent to Rs 26,508 per 10 grams with a business turnover of 6,989 lots. Similarly, the metal for delivery in February moved up by Rs 151 or 0.57 per cent to Rs 26,770 per 10 grams with a trade volume of 177 lots.

Market analysts said fresh buying by speculators to meet the demand ahead of Diwali, amid a firming Asian trend mainly led to the rise in gold futures prices.

Meanwhile, the yellow metal rose one per cent to $1,654.47 an ounce in Singapore.