The availability of Karnataka pepper in primary markets at cheaper rates has dragged down prices in Kochi by ₹1 per kg on Monday.

It was reported that such pepper was available for ₹285-295 following the improvement in harvest. Though arrivals are limited as reported earlier, the quality issues for Karnataka pepper is the main reason for the price decline, said Kishore Shamji of Kishor Spices.

The prices of ungarbled varieties in Kochi market stood at ₹300, while MG1 garbled was quoted at ₹320. New pepper fetched ₹290. The off-take was 21 tonnes.

Though coronavirus issue has not made much impact in the northern India, the rising cases in Kerala is causing a concern to the entire country. With the cancellation of the international spice conference in Kochi, a bearish sentiment is prevailing in the market. The farming community appears to have retained their produce from terminal markets in Kerala because of lower prices, Shamji said.

However, farmers are concerned over the availability of Brazilian pepper with presence of Salmonella bacteria which is available cheaper than Vietnam pepper. America buys only after sterilising Brazilian pepper, he said.