Spot rubber prices finished weak on Friday. The market remained under pressure on buyer resistance and overall sentiments were visibly bearish as most traders were reluctant to enlarge their commitments. Sheet rubber declined to ₹147.50 (149) a kg, according to traders. The grade dropped to ₹148 (₹150) and ₹145 (₹147) respectively, as reported by the Rubber Board and dealers.

In futures, the March contracts closed at ₹147.70 (147.82), April at ₹152.99 (152.53), May at ₹155.40 (155.43), June at ₹157 (157.91) and July at ₹158.74 (159.81) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 (spot) weakened to ₹136.19 (137.36) at Bangkok. The February futures slipped to ¥218.8 (₹132.57) from ¥220 on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) were: RSS-4: 147.50 (149); RSS-5: 147 (148); Ungraded: 144 (146); ISNR 20: 147 (149) and Latex 60%: 120 (121).