Spot rubber closed unchanged on Tuesday. RSS-4 finished flat at ₹129.50 and ₹130 per kg respectively, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade was quoted steady at ₹126 by dealers.

In futures, the August contracts improved to ₹132.10 (129.87) on the Indian Commodity Exchange (ICEX). The contracts were up by 1.72 per cent with a volume of 30 lots and a total trade value of ₹39.41 lakh.

Meanwhile, the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) rubber contracts, which began trading on the Osaka Exchange (OSE) on July 27, fell by 0.9 per cent on concerns about the impact of a second wave of Covid-19 cases on global economy and demand for commodities. The December futures for RSS-3 concluded at ₹112.52 per kg on Monday. Its January contracts closed at ₹114.16 on Tuesday.

SMR 20 firmed up to ₹90.21 (90.14) and Latex 60% to ₹81.97 (81.64) per kg at Kuala Lumpur. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4:129.50 (129.50); RSS-5: 126 (126); ISNR20: 110 (110) and Latex (60% drc): 80 (80).