Kuwait-based Global Investment House (Global) has announced that Mayur Hedge Fund, a growth-oriented fund with a net long bias, has reported 61 per cent return for the year 2014.

Mayur Hedge Fund is an India-focused product managed directly by Global that aims to achieve capital appreciation through investing predominantly in equity related instruments of Indian companies.

The fund has the flexibility to take long and short positions on Indian securities. This fund structure enables it to achieve capital appreciation simultaneously mitigating downside risk.

Rajesh George, Vice-President, International Asset Management at Global, said: “We are pleased with the outstanding returns reported by the fund in 2014, thanks to the investment strategy and stock selection process. This fund was ranked as the second best performing hedge fund for the Indian market among all funds reported by Eureka Hedge in June 2014.”

Asian, and in particular Indian market, offers a compelling investment opportunity. The investment case for India is powerful; the country — which is home to a quarter of the world’s population under the age of 25 has a positive demographic profile, an emerging middle-class, good corporate governance and an economy that has a low reliance on foreign trade.