Amid cash shortage in rural areas of Gujarat, Bank employees' forum has asked the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)'s Gujarat region office to make currency supply transparent by issuing daily statement on currency supply to Branch chests.

In its letter to the RBI on Wednesday, the Maha Gujarat Bank Employees' Association has sought for urgent intervention of the apex bank to avoid tensions in the branches due to shortage of cash.

"RBI claims that there is sufficient cash in vault and currency chest. But the ground reality is different. Surprisingly, RBI is tight lipped over the issue," the Association claimed.

"Many banks are suffering because of inadequate supply of notes. The RBI should daily release a press statement of currency supplied to banks currency chest. This will avoid wrath of the customers and general public," the letter said besides demanding to streamline supplies of currency notes of the denomination of Rs 500, 100, 50 & 10.

It also asked the RBI to direct authorities to re-calibrate ATMs and be made ready for use within the shortest possible time to avoid tensions.

While the State government has also admitted the shortage of cash, the cash shortage has largely affected agriculture sector, small traders and daily wage farmers as the situation in rural area is most terrible, the Association further noted.