The proposal to designate certain bank branches as special cells for Aadhaar enrolment for the general public has invited the wrath of employee unions.

The additional work would only add to the burden of an already stressed-out staff, CH Venkatachalam, general secretary, All India Bank Employees Association, has said.

In a letter to the Chief Executive, Indian Banks Association, he referred to the instructions issued by by some banks to designate certain branches for Aadhaar enrolment.

“At present this work is being done by some private agencies and bank premises are being used by them. Latest instructions are to disengage these private agencies and entrust the Aadhaar enrolment/updation work entirely to the bank staff,” he said.

This is unacceptable since the bank staff are overburdened due to inadequate recruitment and increased volume of work of implementing various government schemes, among other things.

Despite protests, and in violation of the provisions of the bipartite settlement, banks have been outsourcing various regular jobs and services of bank employees, Venkatachalam said.

But here, not just is Aadhaar enrolment sought to be ‘insourced’ but similar non-banking jobs are being thrust on the bank employees, he added.

“We express strong protest against these instructions and request you to take up the matter with the concerned authorities to reverse the instructions.”

Our Coimbatore bureau adds : The All India Bank Officers' Confederation (AIBOC) demands that the Aadhaar seeding be put on hold till such time the Supreme Court comes out with a clear directive.

“The Government should make it clear to the citizens of the country that the seeding of Aadhar is voluntary and not mandatory,” said D Thomas Franco, General Secretary, AIBOC.