The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) is seeking bids from prospective bidders to be appointed as System Integrator (SI) for PFRDA-TRACE as part of Technology Architecture (TARCH) project.

PFRDA-TRACE (Tracking Reporting Analytics & Compliance e-platform) will serve as a comprehensive tool for submitting regulatory and supervisory compliance reports by intermediaries, sharing reports and data with PFRDA, monitoring functions, facilitating a workflow for PFRDA departments to review and track submissions, enabling communication of observations and remarks and incorporating a validation process for reports and data submitted by intermediaries.

The PFRDA-TRACE is the second phase of the TARCH project and PFRDA is selecting an SI vendor specifically for this module. 

The System Integrator will be responsible for studying the existing processes, proposing improved workflows and providing design, development, customisation, implementation and maintenance services for PFRDA-TRACE.

The successful bidder will play a crucial and pivotal role in PFRDA’s digital transformation journey. The last date for submission of bids is March 11.