Kolkata should invest in energy efficiency to avoid over 90 per cent increase in energy bill in next decade, a study said. The city spends nearly 10 per cent of its income to foot its energy bill, which stood at Rs 14,900 crore in 2012.

According to the study, conducted by UK-based Centre for Low Carbon Futures (CLCF) in association with Jadavpur University, a “business as usual” trend in the Kolkata metropolitan area would result in 62 per cent increase in total energy consumption and 57 per cent increase in carbon emissions by 2025.

Given the current energy use and carbon emission rates, the city holds many opportunities for investments in areas such as energy efficiency, renewable energy and low carbon development, the study said.

Joyashree Roy of Jadavpur University, who is one of the coordinators for the study, said Kolkata could well become eligible to bid for the global $5 billion climate mitigation fund and attract investments in low carbon development.

Preliminary findings of the study – The Economics of Low Carbon Cities – on Kolkata have revealed that the city may reduce its carbon emissions by close to 31 per cent, through higher energy efficiency in thermal power generation and improved (10 per cent) mix of solar power. The city consumers are served by private sector utility CESC Ltd.

The upgradation of nearly 85 per cent of thermal generation facilities coupled with improved solar mix should require an estimated investment of Rs 15,460 crore, thereby generating annual savings of Rs 500 crore.
