Chidambaram, who is also the Chairman of Congress’ panel on drafting a manifesto, did not rule out the possibility of including the proposal of a basic income for everyone in the proposed common minimum programme of the Opposition parties. A meeting of the Opposition parties on Wednesday had decided to draft of a common minimum programme ahead of the elections.

Chidambaram was not present in the meeting. He, however, said: “It (the suggestion of a basic income) will be in the Congress party’s manifesto. What part of the Congress manifesto will find a place in the common minimum programme is for the top leaders to decide. Each party would like its manifesto to have the broadest acceptance,” he said.

On alliances, he said the final decision will be taken by the Congress President. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee claimed on Thursday that her Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriwal wants an alliance with the Congress in the State.