US-based engineering solutions company Bentley Systems will launch its second BIM Advanced academy, which assists designers and contractors in learning the latest in construction technology, in Pune in two-three months.

There are plans to launch more BIM academies through the hub-and-spoke model in the metros in the coming months. Kaushik Chakraborty, Vice-President, South East Asia and India, told BusinessLine that these BIM academies will be launched in partnership with local government agencies and private players.

These centres will be connected to Bentley’s global BIM network across the UK, China, the US, Dubai, Singapore and Melbourne.

The centres will act as a platform to share best practices and foster learning.

The company launched its first BIM academy last year in Nagpur in partnership with Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.

Digitisation picking up

Digitisation is picking up pace in the infrastructure space in India due to launch of high budget projects like metro rail and high speed rail connectivity. Chakraborty said these developments provide huge opportunities for companies like Bentley a play in the infrastructure space, one of the least digitised sectors.

To capitalise on these, the company is now focussing on developing AI and machine learning solutions in its Research and Development centres in India.

These solutions may range from finding cracks in runways and roads to improving efficiency of water distribution networks.

Currently the company has over 500 employees in India and is looking to add more core technology talent.