The office of Comptroller and Auditor General has made public the educational record of present incumbent Vinod Rai after a controversy regarding his missing service records hit media headlines.

The CAG office has posted on its website only two documents – matriculation certificate and appointment letter as Comptroller and Auditor General.

“There have been recent media reports about the personal particulars of Shri Vinod Rai, C and AG of India. The copy of personal records Shri Vinod Rai, C and AG of India as available in the office...,” CAG office wrote on its web site.

Lucknow-based journalist Arvind Shukla had sought from the Department of Personnel and Training the service records of Vinod Rai which included certificate of selection in the Indian Administrative Service, appointment letter and educational records.

Responding to the queries, the Department of Personnel and Training said the files sought were not traceable.

Regarding Vinod Rai’s appointment as the Comptroller and Auditor General, the application was transferred to CAG office for reply which posted the details on web site.

The Ministry, while replying to his query, seeking high school and date of birth certificate, said, “The UPSC application dossier of Vinod Rai, IAS (KL:1972) is not traceable. Hence, the information sought for by you is not materially available with the undersigned.”

A similar reply was given to the journalist’s queries regarding service records of 64-year-old Vinod Rai, who has hogged media headlines after CAG reports on 2G Telecom spectrum allocations, coal block allocation, Delhi Airport and Commonwealth Games indicated serious irregularities.

The journalist was advised by Department of Personnel to contact the Kerala Government with regard to queries on his retirement from the service.