Mr Pranab Mukherjee took the oath of office and secrecy as the 13th President of the country at the Central Hall of Parliament here on Wednesday.

The Chief Justice of India, Mr Justice S.H. Kapadia, administered the oath, at an elegant ceremony attended by top leaders and officials. The customary function started with an official car taking Mr Mukherjee from his 13, Talkatora Road residence to Rashtrapati Bhawan at Raisina Hills.

Clad in a black achkan , Mr Mukherjee was received in Rashtrapati Bhawan by the incumbent President, Ms Pratibha Devisingh Patil. The President’s bodyguards and the three defence services gave the guard of honour to the new President and to Ms Patil. They were later escorted to Parliament in the President’s official vehicle.

Mr Mukherjee was received by the Vice-President and the Lok Sabha Speaker in Parliament. Ms Patil and Mr Mukherjee exchanged seats soon after the ceremony.

In his “acceptance speech”, Mr Mukherjee said corruption was an evil that could depress the nation’s mood and sap its progress.

“I envisage an India where unity of purpose propels the common good; where Centre and States are driven by the single vision of good governance; where every revolution is green; where democracy is not merely the right to vote once in five years but to speak always in the citizen’s interest; where knowledge becomes wisdom; where the young pour their phenomenal energy and talent into the collective cause,” he said in his maiden speech.

Making apparent what could be his “economic” vision at the highest office, the former Finance Minister said trickle-down theories do not address the legitimate aspirations of the poor.

“We must lift those at the bottom so that poverty is erased from the dictionary of modern India,” he said. He also upheld his faith in secularism and the Constitution.

Prez’s new secretary

Mr Mukherjee’s long-time associate and a retired Indian Information Service official, Ms Omita Paul, will replace Mr Christie Fernandez as Secretary to the President. The Appointments Committee of Cabinet approved the appointment Ms Paul on a contract basis on Wednesday.

Sangma’s move

Meanwhile, the BJP, disassociated itself with the Opposition’s candidate, Mr P.A. Sangma’s reported move to file an election petition against Mr Mukherjee. The BJP spokesperson, Mr Rajiv Pratap Rudy, said neither the BJP nor the NDA would support any such move.

“It will be a personal decision by Mr Sangma,” Mr Rudy said.