Chennai is likely to remain cloudy today with possibility of light to moderate showers even as heavy thunderclouds are seen drifting over South Coastal Tamil Nadu.

These clouds are concentrated over the Kumbakonam,-Tiruchirappalli-Thanjavur-Dindigul-Madurai belt and to deeper South over Thoothukudi-Tirunvelveli-Kanyakumari, and Thiruvananthapuram in adjoining Kerala.

Light drizzle is being reported from Kumbakonam, Tiruchirappalli, and Thanjavur while it is cloudy in Madurai and Dindigul. Cloudy conditions to haze prevail over Thoothukudi, Tirunelveli, Kanyakumari and Thiruvananthapuram.

As for today (Tuesday), India Met Department has forecast heavy rainfall at isolated places over Coastal Tamil Nadu (mainly to the central region and the South), Kerala and Lakshadweep.

The US Climate Prediction Centre has indicated a weakening of rainfall over Chennai and neighbourhood during the current week ending December 13.

But it sees the trend reversing briefly during the week that immediately follows (beginning December 14) with rains being indicated for Chennai and neighbourhood and the rest of North Coastal Tamil Nadu.