The Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Associations of India (Credai) has congratulated the BJP-led NDA for its victory in the parliamentary elections and hoped that it will take pro-growth stance and ensure revival of the economy and industry.

The real estate body said it looks forward to working with the new government to achieve the laudable goal of shelter for all included in the BJP manifesto.

It hopes that the new government will be able to fulfill the expectations of the people of the country through its development agenda and stimulate job creation to ensure economic and political stability in the country.

C Shekar Reddy, President, Credai-National, said, “We are confident that the new government will work constructively to provide stability and take proactive measures to trigger growth and development in the economy. We are hopeful that the new Government would seize the opportunity presented by the real estate industry owing to its catalytic potential for growth and employment generation.”

He said: “The real estate industry expects that the new government will give the sector its due priority and support the sector.”