Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi today rejected criticism that he made a personal attack against Narendra Modi by referring to his marital status, saying he just stated that he had previously not mentioned about his wife in poll affidavits.

“I did not get personal. I just stated that on his affidavits he had previously not mentioned something. So it’s not a personal thing,” he told reporters here soon after filing his nomination papers for the Lok Sabha polls.

He was responding to a question on his raking up the marital status of Modi while addressing a rally in Jammu and Kashmir yesterday.

Flanked by his mother Sonia Gandhi and sister Priyanka, the Congress Vice-President also rubbished the projection of opinion polls that his party will lose elections.

He said the Congress had been written off by the Opinion polls in 2004 as well as 2009 but those did not prove to be correct.

“They (opinion polls) kept saying Congress will lose but you know what happened,” he said, referring to his party’s unexpected victories in the last two Lok Sabha elections.

Asked about polarising statements made by the leaders of various political parties, he said attempts to polarise elections take place every time and Congress will take everybody along.