It is common experience to find people plan but not execute the tasks effectively as they planned. They would give a number of reasons for not doing so. Only a few are successful in achieving what they intended, said Murugesamoorthy, Chief Executive, Supreme Scientific Corporation, Madurai.

He was delivering a guest lecture under the Business Line Club of the Department of Business Administration, Fatima College, Madurai, recently. The event was sponsored by Tamilnad Mercantile Bank (TMB), Tuticorin.

He said that lack of involvement is at the base of most failures. For any task to be done effectively, one must do it with interest. When the tasks demand extraction of work from others or making others perform the tasks as intended, the difficulties increase manifold. The ability to extract work from others is described as a hallmark of leadership, he added.

One should have a thorough and complete knowledge of the subject that one dealt with in order to be effective in getting a job done. Domain expertise automatically earns the respect from others. This need to be realised and only then, can one lead from the front.

There are other qualities too. The way one maintains relationship with others, delegation of work, a trait to appreciate and hear others, the ability to manage crisis situations also matter. Cordial relationship needs to be cultivated. Emotions need to be kept under check, utterances need to be carefully made and an attitude to bear with failure and check within for the reasons and an intent to improve are all vital qualities. Quoting the famous line in Ramayana he said that lack of ability to communicate properly is at the root of all failures. Hurdles are part of life and one has to lean to overcome them, he added.

Earlier, V. Jeyaraman, Chief Manager, TMB, Madurai, spoke about the schemes of the bank.

Dr P. Uma, Head of the Department, was present.