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The country witnessed protests over the violence in Jawaharlal Nehru University on Tuesday too, while the police has not arrested anyone in connection with it.

On the other hand, the Delhi police registered an FIR against JNUSU President Aishe Ghosh for “vandalism” on the campus. Meanwhile, NDA partners JD(U) and RPI(A), too, demanded strict action against the culprits, while the JD(U) wanted the JNU Vice-Chancellor to be sacked.

Students, teachers and alumni members of the JNU held a sit-in inside the campus protesting against the authorities’ failure to prevent the violence. The JNU Alumni Association said in a statement that there have been systematic attacks against the institution in the last four years. “We condemn in the most unequivocal terms, the use of armed goons brought in from outside to attack students and faculty and to terrorise the entire JNU community on January 5,” the statement said.

‘Can’t silence students’

Addressing the march of students, CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury reiterated his party’s demand for the removal of Vice Chancellor M Jagdesh Kumar. “If the V-C thinks he can silence students then it will not happen. We demand removal of V-C, identification of those who attacked students and also roll back of fee hike,” he said. “It is now well-evident that ABVP goons, supported by the administration, inflicted massive violence on students of JNU. Those guilty, including in the government, will have to be brought to account,” he added and urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to end his silence on the violence.

The Delhi police, meanwhile, registered two FIRs for vandalism at JNU’s server room on the complaint of the administration. The complaint names JNUSU office bearers, including its president Aishe Gosh, as people responsible for vandalism. “One complaint was lodged on January 3 for switching off the server, while another complaint was registered on January 4 for vandalising the server room,” the police said. Students retorted by saying that the administration is selectively targeting some students.

Police requests footage

The police has also claimed that it has sought the help of public to get video footage of the violence. Students had alleged that police personnel had forced them to delete visuals of violence when some of them were admitted at the AIIMS on Sunday night. A forensic investigation team of the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) also reached the campus to collect evidences such as rods and stones used by the masked mob. The Vice-Chancellor, meanwhile, said the incident was unfortunate. “Our campus is known for debates and discussions to resolve to any issues. Violence is not a solution. We will find every opportunity to make sure that normalcy returns to the University,” Kumar said in a statement.

“The registration process has been restarted. Students can register for the winter semester now. Let us make a new beginning and put the past behind,” he said. Students, however, have refused this offer and said protests will continue till the fee hike is dropped.

JD(U) secretary-general KC Tyagi, meanwhile, issued a statement on behalf of his party demanding the removal of JNU V-C. “JD(U) demands a free and fair enquiry by a Supreme Court judge and for a fair trial, the V-C and other top administrators must be removed from their respective posts. We express our solidarity with the students of JNU,” Tyagi said.