Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi will be visiting the University of Hyderabad (UoH) campus in a few hours from now to meet the students after a Dalit Ph.D scholar, V Rohit, allegedly committed suicide.

He will be accompanied by Congress General Secretary, Digvijay Singh, and a few other leaders. Rohit allegedly hung himself in a hostel room in the new research scholars’ hostel in the campus on Sunday.

A two-member fact finding panel sent by the Ministry of Human Resources Development is also visiting the campus today.

The issue took a political turn with allegations that the extreme action was a result of discrimination against Dalit students at the behest of Dattatreya, who had written a letter to HRD Minister Smriti Irani, seeking action against their “anti-national acts”.

A case was filed against the Minister of State for Labour Bandaru Dattatreya, Vice-Chancellor P Apparao and two others on Monday.